i4CT - Insurance For Clinical Trials
Online quotes, certificates and policies
for clinical trial insurance
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Clinical trial insurance

When developing a new health product or technique, sponsors have to carry out human clinical trials.

The main goal of these trials is to assess safety and efficiency of the new product.

According to ICH – Good Clinical Practices – and to countries requirements, sponsors have to buy an insurance cover in order to protect the people included in such trials (patients or healthy volunteers).

Requirements for human clinical trials insurance are very different from one country to another:
  • Compulsory insurance or not
  • Non admitted insurance allowed or not
  • Third party liability or first party damages
  • Levels of limits and deductibles
  • Extended reporting period duration
  • ...
Because of these differences, sponsors should use skilled insurance broker to ensure the insurance satisfies the relevant requirements.

what is i4CT?

i4CT - Insurance for Clinical Trials - is the first fully online independent insurance solution which will:

  • Assess your clinical trial risk
  • Provide several quotes per trial and compare them
  • Issue documents (insurance certificates and policies)
  • Allow you to modify current policies

In most cases, this is done automatically meaning sponsors do not have to wait to retrieve their quotes, certificates and policies.


Our clients are generally sponsors who need to buy insurance for their human clinical trials. Contract Research Organisations (CRO) also use i4CT for their clients. Finally, insurance brokers or agents are able to manage their clients' needs with i4CT.


i4CT's platform is both easy to use and secure. With i4CT, every single piece of information regarding your human clinical trial will be kept confidential using methods such as:
  • restricted client access
  • https connection (SSL)
  • secured server
  • ...


Human clinical trials are carried out in many different countries and i4CT can provide a solution for them all.

Our process is fully automated in some countries where you can get instantaneous quotes, certificate & policy for your trial insurance!

Anywhere else, the process is the same except that your quotation request is manually dealt with. The full process remains quick and accessible from your client area.

Wherever sponsors are located and wherever their human clinical trials are carried out, i4CT provides reliable, quick and competitive insurance solutions !

How does it work?